This article has been written by Denise Imbesi, Co-Founder, Muscle Mix Music but edited by Karen from The Music & Motion Studio, to be relevant for the Australian market.

Hi Fit Pros!!!!

I realise music licensing and usage for virtual workouts is very confusing so I will do my best to give you an overview in hopes you can better understand it. 

Before I start, I’d like to give you my terminology so we are all speaking the same language. There are 3 areas where class is being taught in the virtual space and then of course the physical one:

#1 – Live streaming on Zoom — An Instructor can use any music for live streaming however the music must never be recorded for the purpose of giving away or selling at a later date.  NOTE however you will still need a public performance license through APRA.

#2 Social media such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube  – an instructor should only use “royalty-free” music because Facebook, Instagram and Youtube will mute, flag or take down a video which includes music owned by a rights holder.

#3 Pre-recorded (or on-demand) classes – an instructor should only use “royalty-free” music for any video class that is recorded and saved for resale or as a giveaway. This is also true if you create an online streaming library for people to access on demand as part of a subscription service.

#4 Face to face classes – classes taught physically in person at your studio or gym, any music may be used provided the venue has a public performance license. In some countries this varies slightly. Please check your country’s music licensing laws.

NOTE : In Australia we now have One Music which covers PPCA and APRA. However if you are using PPCA free music you should not have to pay the full amount although they require you to prove that you are only using PPCA free music and if you can, they will refund you as per advice to Music & Motion from One Music. Should you buy royalty free music (this link will show you what we currently have available) and there is more music on the APP), then you DO NOT need to pay one music.

So where does Muscle Mixes fit in? Well—here goes—-we’ve developed some great pricing packages for fit pros which I think you will really find affordable and easy to use. Check it out…

Muscle Mixes is offering 3 package options for virtual classes:

LITE Package – $12.95 USD per mo or $129 USD for a year will give you our MM Now App and access to both our popular music and royalty-free music. The royalty-free music can be used on numbers 1 & 2 – Live streaming & social media and our popular music can be used for #4 face to face classes. More on this HERE

PRO Package – $629 USD for a year will give you our MM Now App and access to both our popular music and royalty-free music. The royalty-free music can be used on numbers 1 , 2 & 3 – Live streaming, social media AND pre-recorded classes. The music can be used on an UNLIMITED number of videos for 1 year. Our popular music can be used for #4 face to face classes. Good for 1 user.  More on this HERE

BUSINESS Package – $4,129 USD for a year will give you our MM Now App and access to both our popular music and royalty-free music. The royalty-free music can be used on numbers 1 , 2 & 3 – Live streaming, social media AND pre-recorded classes. The music can be used on an UNLIMITED number of videos for 1 year. Our popular music can be used for #4 face to face classes. Good for unlimited number of instructors at that business.

Best of luck to you and I hope this helps!!!

Oh and one more thing. Here’s where I have to include a disclaimer. We are not copyright lawyers and PPCA rules can change therefore any further enquiries you must check with One Music. Royalty free music however is safe to use as above.

Stay awesome,